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2011 Nike Free 7.0 V2 Men's Running Shoes Grey Black Red

These two brands with different features, but advocating the joys of life, cross-border cooperation will MINI subtle nike free 7.0 design to maximize the small space and Puma fashion style, multi- technology, beautiful materials blend. The new series will be the Nike brand’s iconic cultural icons, such as the British flag and a mini bulldog to show the classic British theme Nike products including shoes, outdoor jackets and travel bags, the target audience locked the young and trendy male consumers.

The promotional material for the new nike air max 2011 products is in both parties work closely with internal creative shooting by British photographer Ben Cook and designer Barry Kamen in London Notting Hill. The official Nike global campaign will be released in September, including online, digital, outdoor, flat, and retail stores advertising. Facing the Asia-Pacific markets, including Korea, China and Taiwan.

In addition, according to nike free 5.0 spokesman said, the first series of products will not include vehicles. Yesterday, Nike, and Haipu footwear strategic investment and cooperation signing ceremony were held in Guangzhou. This also means that the Nike officially Shanghai Pu shoe 80% of the equity income in the bag. Nike semi-annual report released yesterday, Nike net profit fell 16.69% this year. However, market analysts said the acquisition is expected to make the Nike short-term performance increase.

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