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Russia’s accession to the WTO soon, Quanzhou nike air max 2011 industry is about to usher in a great opportunity. However, recently the city a Nike business executives in the Russian inspection found that a the Nike products are very popular in the local, but the consumer is almost no one knows it from Quanzhou, China, attached to it is Russia the sign of the middlemen.

In fact, it is also Quanzhou manufacturing ” embarrassment to the Russian market: a lot of the Quanzhou nba shoes products to enter the local, but locals say the Nike brand in Quanzhou few. The industry view, Russia is about to end 19 years of accession to the WTO long-distance running, this is an opportunity for Nike corporate premise that Nike companies to re-examine the Russian market, brand missing short board.

August 23, Russia formally joined the WTO. International Market Research Institute of Chinese Ministry of Commerce Vice Renbai Ming opinion, the cheap nike tariff concessions and other measures will bring good shoes, clothing and other light industry. It is understood that after the Russian light manufacturing, weak industry, Nike has remained relatively high tariffs, such as 12 percent of tariffs on woolen clothing, leather tariff of 30%. After the accession to the WTO, Russia’s average tariff level from the current 9.5% decreased to 7.4% in 2013 to 6.9% in 2014 to 6% in 2015.

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