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It is reported that in the list of the London Olympic sponsors, in addition to the nike air max 2011 corporate Acer and Beijing Crystal Digital Technology Co., Ltd., almost can not find the Nike corporate name. Sponsor dropped sharply, and impedes the Nike corporate enthusiasm for investment in the Olympics. “

In addition, unlike at home to do the Olympic Games as well as jet lag and other factors, greatly reduced the enthusiasm and attention of the audience this Olympics. Nike Air Max 90 expert analysis, for the Olympic marketing, with the potential benefits of the Nike brand in the global market is much larger than the Nike brand to China’s domestic market.

At the same time, because we have strong capital, strong nike free run 2 huge corporate sponsorship investment risk is lower, while the weaker Nike brand is often under enormous risk. In addition, the shrinking of overseas markets also makes China Nike enterprises turned to look at the domestic market, which set aside the London Olympic Games sponsorship program.

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