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Turn to the history of world business growth, we will find the family of nike free all over the world. IMD provided by the World Competitiveness Report 2000 “has long been a Nike enterprise in more than 80 percent of the world has more or less the color of the family business. As an old Nike form of business organization, the family business whether it is a flash in the pan or the family business evergreen, it mixed reviews, and lively debate to ease the definition of family Nike enterprises, the industry is also no recognized interpretation.

However, domestic and international common practice, the nike air max 180 corporate ownership control as necessary conditions, and the emphasis on the following main elements: the proportion of ownership of the proportion of voting rights, Nike corporate strategy influence? Management rights / right to operate whether the multi-generation family members involved.

The family of nike shox, the development of enterprises report three different definition of family business : a broad family of Nike enterprises refer to those individuals or family-owned and over 50% controlling stake in business units ; narrow family Nike enterprise means we must have 50% and more than a controlling stake, but also the family involved in the management.

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